Nowadays, the whole world is base on the new technologies: the mobile phones, the computes, TV's, iphone's...
Science is progressing quicker than ever and like everything, it has good things and bad ones.
Firstly, these new technologies have given help to a lot of people, especially in developed countries, in aspects like medicine, everyday life, travelling...
It makes that middle class people can enjoy these new comforts in the whole aspects, from reserving tickets to travelling by plane on the Internet to taking the car to buy some food.
It provides discovered new worlds and also the Univers including the near planets and the moon.
Science is progressing quicker than ever and like everything, it has good things and bad ones.
It makes that middle class people can enjoy these new comforts in the whole aspects, from reserving tickets to travelling by plane on the Internet to taking the car to buy some food.
It provides discovered new worlds and also the Univers including the near planets and the moon.
But well, these news technologies have a principal problem in my point of view: the enviromental impact.
People are not concious about his serious problem and its affects everybody. Also, not all countries have these advantatges, on the contrari, the underdeveloped countries are exploited by the developed countries.
Finally, I would say that everyone has the right to enjoy these new technologies and have a comfortable life. Moreover, we must preserved our unic and appreciated World.
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