Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms which all humans, whatever people nationality, place of resident, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, etc, are entitled.
These human rights are civil and political rights, the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, equality before the law, economic, social and cultural rights, the right to participate in culture, the right to be treated with respect and dignity, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education in some countries.
Human rights have been evolving during the human history. The first example of a table of laws that contain individual rights is the tablet of Hammurabi. The tablet was created by the Sumerian king Hammurabi about 4000 years ago that it included 282 laws that was a precedent for a legal system. This kind of legal document protects the people from some types of persecution and punishment. The problems with Hammurabi's code were related with nature, it didn’t protection on more abstract ideas such as race, religion, beliefs, and individual freedoms.
Centuries later, on December10 in 1948 the General Assembly of United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a text which appears all fundamental rights and freedoms that humans of around the world deserve to have.
States assume obligations under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfill human rights.
The obligation to respect means that States couldn't interfere and change in human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. And the obligation to fulfill means that States must take actions to facilitate the pleasure of basic human rights
Nowadays there are 30 human rights. I especially like human right 19: Freedom of expression. Here there is how it appears in the table of Human rights
Human Right # 19
Freedom of Expression
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers
Freedom of expression is very important right because it is basic in permission to work and public participation in decision-making. Citizens cannot exercise their right to vote or take part in public decision-making if they do not have free access to information and ideas and to express points of view freerly.
Breaking freedom of expression often go togheter with other violations, in particular the right to freedom of association. In recent years progress have been make in terms of securing respect for the right to freddom of expessions. For example, in Spain during Franco's time nodbody can express themselves like they want: now, more and less, everybody can do everyting they want, always respecting other people because democray has been instaured. There are some countries that this right has no been instaured because of estabilshed politcal goverment, like a dictatorial goverment.
These human rights are civil and political rights, the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, equality before the law, economic, social and cultural rights, the right to participate in culture, the right to be treated with respect and dignity, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education in some countries.
Human rights have been evolving during the human history. The first example of a table of laws that contain individual rights is the tablet of Hammurabi. The tablet was created by the Sumerian king Hammurabi about 4000 years ago that it included 282 laws that was a precedent for a legal system. This kind of legal document protects the people from some types of persecution and punishment. The problems with Hammurabi's code were related with nature, it didn’t protection on more abstract ideas such as race, religion, beliefs, and individual freedoms.
Centuries later, on December
States assume obligations under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfill human rights.
The obligation to respect means that States couldn't interfere and change in human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. And the obligation to fulfill means that States must take actions to facilitate the pleasure of basic human rights
Nowadays there are 30 human rights. I especially like human right 19: Freedom of expression. Here there is how it appears in the table of Human rights
Human Right # 19
Freedom of Expression
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers
Freedom of expression is very important right because it is basic in permission to work and public participation in decision-making. Citizens cannot exercise their right to vote or take part in public decision-making if they do not have free access to information and ideas and to express points of view freerly.
Breaking freedom of expression often go togheter with other violations, in particular the right to freedom of association. In recent years progress have been make in terms of securing respect for the right to freddom of expessions. For example, in Spain during Franco's time nodbody can express themselves like they want: now, more and less, everybody can do everyting they want, always respecting other people because democray has been instaured. There are some countries that this right has no been instaured because of estabilshed politcal goverment, like a dictatorial goverment.