6 Oct 2009

Mad lyrics

Mad Lyrics - Ne-yo

She's starin' at me / Ella m’està mirant fixament
I'm sittin' wonderin' what she's thinkin' / Jo estic assegut preguntant-me què està pensant.
Nobody's talkin' 'cause talkin' just turns into screamin' / Ningú està parlant, perquè les converses es converteixen en crits.
And now it's I'm yellin' over her, she yellin' over me / I ara l'estic cridant i ella em crida a mi.
All that that means is neither of us is listening / Tot això vol dir que cap dels dos està escoltant.

And what's even worse? /I què és el pitjor?
That we don't even remember why we're fighting / Que fins i tot nosaltres no recordem perquè ens barallem.
So both of us are mad for / Per això, els dos em embogit.

Nothing, fighting for / Cap motiu per barallar-se

Nothin', crying for / Cap motiu per plorar
Nothing, whoa / Res, uhh
But we won't let it go for /Però no volem deixar-ho escapar per això.

Nothing, no not for /Res per res
Nothing, this should be / Res d'això hauria de passar
Nothing to a love like what we got / Res per un amor com el que tenim nosaltres.

Oh baby, I know sometimes it gonna rain / Oh nena, sé que a vegades plou
But baby, can we make up now? / Però nena, podem solucionar-ho ara?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain / Perquè no puc dormir enmig del dolor.
Can't sleep through the pain / No es pot viure enmig del dolor.

Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / Nena, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you /No, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi.
Oh no no no /Oh no, no no

And it gets me upset /
I això em molesta
when you're constantly accusing / Nena quan m’estàs constantment acusant
Askin' questions like you already know /Preguntant-me coses que ja saps.
We're fighting this war / Estem lluitant aquesta guerra
Baby when both of us are losing /Nena, quan els dos estem perdent.
This ain't the way that love is supposed to go /
I aquesta no és la manera en què l'amor hauria d'anar.

Whoa, what happened to workin' it out? / Oh, que ha de passar per solucionar-ho?
We've fall into this place / Nosaltres hem caigut dins aquest lloc.
Where you ain't backin' down and I ain't backin' down / On tu no et fas enrere i jo no em faig enrere.
So what the hell do we do now? /Per tant, què diables hem de fer ara?
It's all for /És tot per...

Nothing, fighting for / Cap motiu per barallar-se
Nothing, crying for / Cap motiu per plorar
Nothing, whoa /Res, uhh
But we won't let it go for / Però no volem deixar-ho escapar per això.

Nothing, no not for /Res per res
Nothing, this should be /Res d'això hauria de passar
Nothing to a love like what we got /

Oh baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain / Oh nena, sé que a vegades plou
But baby, can we make up now? / Però nena, podem solucionar-ho ara?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain / Perquè no puc dormir enmig del dolor.
Can't sleep through the pain / No es pot viure enmig del dolor.

Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / Nena, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / No, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi.
Oh no no no / Oh no, no no

Oh, baby this love ain't gonna be perfect / Oh, nena aquest amor no serà perfecte
Perfect, perfect, oh oh /
Perfecte, perfecte, oh oh
And just how good it's gonna be /
I només com de bo serà
We can fuss and we can fight / Podem preocupar-nos i podem lluitar
Long as everything's all right between us / Sempre que tot vagi bé entre nosaltres
Before we go to sleep / Abans d’anar a dormir
Baby, we're gonna be happy, oh /
Nena, nosaltres estarem feliços, oh

Baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain /
Nena, sé que de vegades plou
But baby, can we make up now? /
Però nena, podem solucionar-ho ara?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain / Perquè no puc dormir enmig del dolor.
Can't sleep through the pain / No es pot viure enmig del dolor.

Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / Nena, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / No, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
Oh no no no / Oh no, no no


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