6 Oct 2009

Mad lyrics

Mad Lyrics - Ne-yo

She's starin' at me / Ella m’està mirant fixament
I'm sittin' wonderin' what she's thinkin' / Jo estic assegut preguntant-me què està pensant.
Nobody's talkin' 'cause talkin' just turns into screamin' / Ningú està parlant, perquè les converses es converteixen en crits.
And now it's I'm yellin' over her, she yellin' over me / I ara l'estic cridant i ella em crida a mi.
All that that means is neither of us is listening / Tot això vol dir que cap dels dos està escoltant.

And what's even worse? /I què és el pitjor?
That we don't even remember why we're fighting / Que fins i tot nosaltres no recordem perquè ens barallem.
So both of us are mad for / Per això, els dos em embogit.

Nothing, fighting for / Cap motiu per barallar-se

Nothin', crying for / Cap motiu per plorar
Nothing, whoa / Res, uhh
But we won't let it go for /Però no volem deixar-ho escapar per això.

Nothing, no not for /Res per res
Nothing, this should be / Res d'això hauria de passar
Nothing to a love like what we got / Res per un amor com el que tenim nosaltres.

Oh baby, I know sometimes it gonna rain / Oh nena, sé que a vegades plou
But baby, can we make up now? / Però nena, podem solucionar-ho ara?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain / Perquè no puc dormir enmig del dolor.
Can't sleep through the pain / No es pot viure enmig del dolor.

Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / Nena, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you /No, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi.
Oh no no no /Oh no, no no

And it gets me upset /
I això em molesta
when you're constantly accusing / Nena quan m’estàs constantment acusant
Askin' questions like you already know /Preguntant-me coses que ja saps.
We're fighting this war / Estem lluitant aquesta guerra
Baby when both of us are losing /Nena, quan els dos estem perdent.
This ain't the way that love is supposed to go /
I aquesta no és la manera en què l'amor hauria d'anar.

Whoa, what happened to workin' it out? / Oh, que ha de passar per solucionar-ho?
We've fall into this place / Nosaltres hem caigut dins aquest lloc.
Where you ain't backin' down and I ain't backin' down / On tu no et fas enrere i jo no em faig enrere.
So what the hell do we do now? /Per tant, què diables hem de fer ara?
It's all for /És tot per...

Nothing, fighting for / Cap motiu per barallar-se
Nothing, crying for / Cap motiu per plorar
Nothing, whoa /Res, uhh
But we won't let it go for / Però no volem deixar-ho escapar per això.

Nothing, no not for /Res per res
Nothing, this should be /Res d'això hauria de passar
Nothing to a love like what we got /

Oh baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain / Oh nena, sé que a vegades plou
But baby, can we make up now? / Però nena, podem solucionar-ho ara?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain / Perquè no puc dormir enmig del dolor.
Can't sleep through the pain / No es pot viure enmig del dolor.

Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / Nena, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / No, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi.
Oh no no no / Oh no, no no

Oh, baby this love ain't gonna be perfect / Oh, nena aquest amor no serà perfecte
Perfect, perfect, oh oh /
Perfecte, perfecte, oh oh
And just how good it's gonna be /
I només com de bo serà
We can fuss and we can fight / Podem preocupar-nos i podem lluitar
Long as everything's all right between us / Sempre que tot vagi bé entre nosaltres
Before we go to sleep / Abans d’anar a dormir
Baby, we're gonna be happy, oh /
Nena, nosaltres estarem feliços, oh

Baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain /
Nena, sé que de vegades plou
But baby, can we make up now? /
Però nena, podem solucionar-ho ara?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain / Perquè no puc dormir enmig del dolor.
Can't sleep through the pain / No es pot viure enmig del dolor.

Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / Nena, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you / No, no vull anar a dormir boig en tu.
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me / I no vull que vagis a dormir boja en mi
Oh no no no / Oh no, no no

3 Oct 2009

What's about the New Technology?

Nowadays, the whole world is base on the new technologies: the mobile phones, the computes, TV's, iphone's...
Science is progressing quicker than ever and like everything, it has good things and bad ones.

Firstly, these new technologies have given help to a lot of people, especially in developed countries, in aspects like medicine, everyday life, travelling...
It makes that middle class people can enjoy these new comforts in the whole aspects, from reserving tickets to travelling by plane on the Internet to taking the car to buy some food.
It provides discovered new worlds and also the Univers including the near planets and the moon.

But well, these news technologies have a principal problem in my point of view: the enviromental impact.
People are not concious about his serious problem and its affects everybody. Also, not all countries have these advantatges, on the contrari, the underdeveloped countries are exploited by the developed countries.

Finally, I would say that everyone has the right to enjoy these new technologies and have a comfortable life. Moreover, we must preserved our unic and appreciated World.